Evaluation of Level Crossings (Case Study: Greater Bandung)


  • Yongki Alexander Tanne Program Studi Teknik Sipil, Universitas Komputer Indonesia
  • Herdiana Safira Universitas Komputer Indonesia
  • Oktorius Tri Rezeki Zai Universitas Komputer Indonesia
  • Resma Meilani Universitas Komputer Indonesia
  • Sinta Afifah Kurnia Universitas Komputer Indonesia




Level Crossing, Road Safety, Road Pavement, Road Technology


Level crossings between highways and railway tracks are often found in Indonesia, one of which is in the Greater Bandung area. Level crossings not only have the potential to cause traffic accidents between trains and vehicles but also single accidents, especially for motorcyclists, due to elevation differences between road and rail surfaces that do not comply with standards. For this reason, this research evaluates the condition of level crossings and provides suggestions for improvements related to technical aspects, regulations and provides suggestions for the use of technology. Literature studies were carried out to collect relevant references according to the topic of discussion. They were supplemented with field observations which were then analyzed qualitatively to compare existing conditions and ideal conditions. From a technical aspect, poor pavement conditions cause elevation differences between the train tracks and the road surface, potentially causing accidents. This is exacerbated by the horizontal alignment conditions at several crossings which have angles of less than 90°. From a regulatory aspect, road and rail pavement components are under the authority of different parties. This indicates the result of inefficient operation and maintenance of level crossings. Thus, several types of technology are proposed to improve the quality of level crossings, including: Rubber Crossing Panels, Prefabricated Modular Crossings, Continuous Welded Rail and Fiberglass Reinforced Polymer. It is hoped that this research can provide input to stakeholders, including researchers, to further analyze improving the quality of level crossings, especially in the context of operations and maintenance.


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How to Cite

Tanne, Y. A., Safira, H., Zai, O. T. R., Meilani, R., & Kurnia, S. A. (2024). Evaluation of Level Crossings (Case Study: Greater Bandung). Jurnal Perkeretaapian Indonesia (Indonesian Railway Journal), 8(1), 32–41. https://doi.org/10.37367/jpi.v8i1.313




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